Thank you to all who attended the Family Fun BBQ on Sunday August 25th, 2022. Hosted in collaboration with PESCCI (Courtenay/Comox MSA), there was fun to be had while learning more about Island Health's "GO GREEN" initiative. We thank Dr Valeria Stoynova, IM who presented on recycling inhalers and Jen Fraser for her two booths on alternatives to paper gowns and being aware of the need to print or not to print.

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Upcoming Events

Walk with Your Doc 2024

May 15th, 2024
Planned walk on Wednesday May 15th at noon from Centennial Park. It is a 1.5 km loop, all on sidewalk.
A Gala Event Honouring and Celebrating Excellence
Honour and celebrate physicians, allied health professionals and individuals/agencies that bring excellence to our community.